Enterprise Mobility Has Deeply Founded Technological Applications, Irrespective Of Whichever Industry Makes Use Of It. Embracing This Technology Has Come Far And Beyond Being Just A Trend; It Has Now Become A Searing Necessity For Every Industry To First Acknowledge It And Then Find Its Application In Their Respective Fields. Manufacturing Industry Is Definitely One Such Field Where This Technological Marvel Can Well Find A Befitting Role To Play.

Being A Part Of This Industry, If…

  • Your business model relies on thin margins and tight schedules,
  • Logistics and supply chain management form the core of your company’s day-to-day activities,
  • You’re looking to better systemize your reverse logistical operation,
  • Your organization is moving forward to providing value-added services to your clientele, rather than simply packing and shipping an order,
  • Bringing more cost efficiency to the table is an important goal for you,
  • You want to make the accessibility of information easier for employees,
  • You think there’s scope for improvement, regarding the quality of key data, while up its security as well,
  • You’re looking for ways to reduce the lead time and therefore further boost the productivity of your company,
  • You are focussing more and more on improving your company’s brand of customer service and client retention.

Then, you absolutely need enterprise mobility from ElQuench on your side.


These Are Just Few Of All The Things That You Can Expect If You Join Hands With Us:

  • Better coordination between you and the suppliers, so that there is no hassle in receiving of goods.
  • A better level communication between you and the customer, so as to ensure an on-time and perfect status of shipment.
  • Keeping a tab of the status of every shipment while it’s enroute to the customer, along with the real time GPS-enabled location, and the time-to-time updates sent by the driver.
  • Knowing the rate of carriers and when they’re going to pick up – in short, getting regular notifications about the pick-up schedule, on just a touch of a button.
  • A clear level of communication between you and each of your customers in order to deal with their grievances, explain things and situations to them, and help them the best you can through a single phone call, or better yet, through a simple message or notification.
  • You will never have to worry about the security of all your data; the team at ElQuench is great at maintaining a balance between improved accessibility of data, without putting the information through any unwarranted risk in any way.
  • We custom design applications for you while making them extremely user-friendly so that no one ever finds any problem understanding them or operating them.
  • In addition to and because of the functional and operative effectiveness it brings, enterprise mobility is also a great help in saving a lot of money, making it a cost-efficient option as well.